Source code for metalparser.darklyrics

# coding: utf-8
import string

from metalparser.libs.darklyrics_utils import DarkLyricsHelper
from metalparser.common.exceptions import MetalParserException
from metalparser.common.logger import MetalParserLogger

[docs]class DarkLyricsApi(): """ A class with APIs for scraping website. Parameters ---------- use_cache : bool Boolean defining if a cached session will be created or not. debug_mode : bool Boolean defining when to save debug info on a log file. Attributes ---------- helper : DarkLyricsHelper Object containing helpers for APIs. Methods ------- get_artists_list(self, initial_letter=None) Returns a list with all the artists registered on When specified, it returns a list of artists starting with an initial. get_albums_info(self, artist, title_only=False) Returns a list containing all the albums titles related to an artist. get_songs_info(self, artist, album=None, title_only=False) Returns a list containing the songs titles (and other info when specified) related to a single artist or album (when specified). get_album_info_and_lyrics(self, album, artist) Returns a list of dict containing name, title, album, track number and lyrics of all the songs related to an album on get_albums_info_and_lyrics_by_artist(self, artist) Returns a list of dict containing name, title, album, track number and lyrics of all the songs related to an artist on def get_song_info_and_lyrics(self, song, artist) Returns a str containing the lyrics of the specified song. """ def __init__(self, use_cache=True, debug_mode=False): self.helper = DarkLyricsHelper(use_cache) self.logger = MetalParserLogger(debug_mode).get_logger()
[docs] def get_artists_list(self, initial_letter=None): """ Returns a list with all the artists registered on When specified, it returns a list of artists starting with an initial. Keyword Arguments: initial_letter {str} -- The initial letter of The artist's name (optional) (default: {None}) Raises: ValueError: Exception raised when the argument initial_letter is longer than 1 (when specified) Returns: [list] -- An alphabetically ordered list of str containing all the artists found according to the arguments """ artists = [] if initial_letter: if len(initial_letter) > 1: raise ValueError("Initial letter must be a string with length = 1") artist_indexes = [initial_letter.lower().replace('#', '19')] else: artist_indexes = list(string.ascii_lowercase) + ['19'] for index in artist_indexes: url = self.helper.get_base_url() + index + '.html' index_page = self.helper.scraping_agent.get_page_from_url(url) artists_tags ='div.artists > a') for tag in artists_tags: artist = tag.text.title() artists.append(artist) return sorted(artists)
[docs] def get_albums_info(self, artist, title_only=False): """ Returns a list containing all the albums titles related to an artist. Arguments: artist {str} -- The artist's name Returns: [list] -- A list of str containing all the albums titles related to an artist """ artist_page = self.helper.get_artist_page(artist) albums_list = self.helper.get_albums_info_from_artist_page(artist_page, title_only=title_only) return albums_list
[docs] def get_songs_info(self, artist, album=None, title_only=False): """ Returns a list containing the songs titles related to a single artist or album (when specified). Arguments: artist {str} -- The artist's name Keyword Arguments: songs_only {bool} -- album {str} -- The album name (optional) (default: {None}) Returns: [list] -- A list of str containing the songs titles related to a single artist or album (when specified) """ links = self.helper.get_songs_links_from_artist(artist, album) songs_list = [] for link in links: if '/lyrics' not in link.attrs['href']: continue elif title_only: songs_list.append(link.text) else: link_href = link.attrs['href'].replace('../', self.helper.get_base_url()) album_info = self.helper.get_albums_info_from_url(link_href.split('#')[0]) songs_list.append({ "title": link.text, "song_link": link_href, "album": album_info["title"], "album_track": link_href.split('#')[1], "release_year": album_info["release_year"] }) return songs_list
[docs] def get_album_info_and_lyrics(self, album, artist, lyrics_only=False): """ Returns a list of dict containing info and lyrics of all the songs related to an album on Arguments: album {str} -- The title of the album artist {str} -- The artist's name Returns: [list] -- A list of dict containing info and lyrics about of all the songs related to the specified album or a list of str containing only the lyrics of the specified album, depending on the lyrics_only flag. """ lyrics_list = [] songs_links = self.helper.get_songs_links_from_artist(artist, album=album) album_url = self.helper.get_lyrics_url_by_tag(songs_links[0]) album_info = self.helper.get_albums_info_from_url(album_url) for song_link in songs_links: self.logger.debug('\t\tProcessing song "{}" ...'.format(song_link.text)) # Don't break the entire job because of a single song try: url = self.helper.get_lyrics_url_by_tag(song_link) if lyrics_only is True: lyrics_list.append(self.helper.get_lyrics_by_url(url)) else: lyrics_list.append({ "artist": artist.title(), "album": album_info['title'], "album_type": album_info["type"], "release_year": album_info['release_year'], "title": song_link.text, "track_no": int(url.split('#')[1]), "lyrics": self.helper.get_lyrics_by_url(url) }) except (MetalParserException, Exception) as e: self.logger.error('Error while processing the song "{}": {}'.format(song_link.text, str(e))) continue return lyrics_list
[docs] def get_albums_info_and_lyrics_by_artist(self, artist): """ Returns a list of dict containing name, title, album, track number and lyrics of all the songs related to an artist on Arguments: artist {str} -- The artist's name Returns: [list] -- A list of dict containing info and lyrics of all the songs related to the specified artist. """ self.logger.debug('Processing artist "{}" ...'.format(artist.title())) albums = self.get_albums_info(artist, title_only=True) albums_info_lyrics = [] for album in albums: self.logger.debug('\tProcessing album "{}" ...'.format(album)) # Don't break the entire job because of a single album try: album_info_lyrics = self.get_album_info_and_lyrics(album, artist) albums_info_lyrics += album_info_lyrics except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error while processing the album "{}" by "{}": {}'.format(album, artist, str(e))) continue return albums_info_lyrics
[docs] def get_song_info_and_lyrics(self, song, artist, lyrics_only=False): """ Returns a str containing the lyrics of the specified song. Arguments: song {str} -- The title of the song artist {str} -- The artist's name Returns: [dict or str] -- A dict containing info and lyrics about a song of a certain artist or a str containing only the lyrics of the specified song, depending on the lyrics_only flag. """ lyrics_url = self.helper.get_lyrics_url_by_song(song, artist) album_info = self.helper.get_albums_info_from_url(lyrics_url) # a lyrics url is in fact an album url with a bookmark if lyrics_only is True: return self.helper.get_lyrics_by_url(lyrics_url) else: return { "artist": artist.title(), "album": album_info['title'], "release_year": album_info['release_year'], "title": song, "track_no": int(lyrics_url.split('#')[1]), "lyrics": self.helper.get_lyrics_by_url(lyrics_url) }